• Post category:GOLF
Brairen Denson ©Ben Robinson/Color Green Photo

TROY – The Covington golf team had seven days without a match and dropped two consecutive contests against Bethel on Monday and Troy Christian on Tuesday to fall to 5-5 in the TRC.

The last match before facing Bethel on Monday was on September 3rd and two consecutive contests against Northridge (Sept. 5 and Sept. 9) were cancelled.

On Monday the Buccaneers struggled in a 204-168 loss to Bethel. Covington’s top golfer Matt Dieperink was out, but Bethel’s performance was phenomenal as all six golfers finished with lower strokes than any of the Buccaneers.

On Wednesday against Troy Christian at Miami Shores Golf Course, both teams finished with a total of 171 strokes. Unfortunately for the Buccaneers, Troy Christian won the match due to fifth man tie-breaker, 46-52. Matt Dieperink was back in the lineup and finished with the best overall score of 38.

Below are the full results of both matches.

9/11/24 at par 36 Miami Shores G.C.

Covington – 171
Troy Christian – 171
(TC wins by 5th man tie-breaker 46 to 52)

Covington Scores:
Matt Dieperink – 38
Brodie Manson – 43
Jayden Wackler – 45
Brairen Denson – 45
Jackson Hollis – 52
Caleb Smith – 53

Troy Christian Scores:
Connor Tipton – 42
Gabe Barhorst – 42
Connor George – 43
Trevor Philips – 44
JB Walters – 46
Luke Harris – 47

9/10/24 at par 36 Sugar Isle G.C.

Bethel – 168
Covington – 204

Covington Scores:
Brodie Manson – 50
Jayden Wackler – 50
Caleb Smith – 51
Gavin Clark – 53
Caden Hollingsworth – 54
Brairen Denson – 55

Bethel Scores:
Josh Fiery – 40
Logan Norris – 41
Gabe Veldman – 43
Mike Halleg – 44
Philip Dix – 45
Braden Shoup – 46

Caleb Smith ©Ben Robinson/Color Green Photo