• Post category:GOLF
Matt Dieperink finished with 32 strokes in a par 36, which led to the medalist honors. ©Ben Robinson/Color Green Photo

PIQUA – Covington tied its season best of 165 strokes on Tuesday, but unfortunately it didn’t lead to a win as Lehman won by two strokes over the Buccaneers.

Senior Matt Dieperink played phenomenal as he finished with 32 strokes in nine holes, which was four strokes under the 36 par on the course at Echo Hills. His performance was five strokes over any of the remaining golfers on the course.

For Covington, Caleb Smith finished with 43 strokes, while Brodie Manson finished with 44, Jayden Tackler 46, Brairen Denison 28 and Fin Rogers 68.

The loss puts the Buccaneers at 5-3 in the TRC.

Next up is a road trip on Thursday to Gray Wolf where the Buccaneers will face Northridge.

Covington – 165
Lehman – 163

Covington Scores:
Matt Dieperink – 32
Caleb Smith – 43
Brodie Manson – 44
Jayden Wackler – 46
Brairen Denson – 48
Finn Rogers – 65

Lehman Scores:
Henry Petersen – 37
Jack Williams – 38
Shane Frantz – 41
Mathew Adams – 47
Carter Rigel – 51

Jayden Wackler chips a shot onto the green. ©Ben Robinson/Color Green Photo
Caleb Smith knocks in a put on the green. ©Ben Robinson/Color Green Photo